Jamaican Patwah Translator

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The Jamaican patwah translation for "Grandfather"


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Popular Jamaican Patwah Translations

The first step to understanding and learning Jamaican Patois is seeing a list of Jamaican Patois phrases and their English translations. The following is a list of popular Jamaican Patois to get you started.

Yuh sad

Are you sad

Mi wah yuh luv beg!

I want your love please!



Gud nite

Good night

Mi neva know wah to say

I didn't know what to say

Yuh know who he is

Do you know who he is

Nuh wury, everythin will be alrite

Don't worry, everything will be alright

Mi nuh care wah dem say

I don't care what they say

Mi trust yuh

I trust you